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Your Natural Makeup

rediningrum, your makeup should be Natural

Keep it clean. In most aspects of life, that's your motto. Whether you spend your weekends hiking, going to gallery openings, or just hanging out with friends, your makeup style enhances what you have without hiding who you are. While you probably can't be bothered to cover up blemishes if you're just heading to the gym (you'll just sweat it off, after all), you might throw on mascara and flush your cheeks with blush if that cute guy is working at the coffee shop.However much you do put on, you tend to use makeup to bring out certain features like big eyes, high cheekbones, or full lips, rather than trying to create a whole, new persona. Your face, the first thing most people notice, says that what you see is what you get — there are no hidden agendas with you. Your clean, fresh, simple look — whether a product of 5-minute's work or 50-minute's work — tells people that you are sincere, unsullied, and will, as they say, keep it real.
